Page 4 - Commercial Suffolks 2021
P. 4

We lamb 200 North
              Country Mules in early
              February which are all
              put to the Suffolk ram...
              the lambs are strong
              and very quick at getting
              up on their feet and to
              suckle the important
              first colostrum.

        their lambing lectures and practicals   liveweight gain of 350 – 400 grams
        at  the  farm  before  they  go  off  on   a day, whilst also achieving good
        lambing placements across the UK.   grades and consistent fat levels.
                                            We sell some of our lamb through
        We chatted to George Kemp, who      our own small farm shop and the
        runs the sheep enterprise. “We      rest normally leave the farm as
        lamb 200 North Country Mules        finished lamb.”
        in early February which are all put
        to  the  Suffolk  ram,  lambing  inside   The  sheep  flock  consists  of  300
        with  minimal  lambing  difficulties,   sheep, a mix of North Country
        the lambs are strong and very       Mules, Texel and Charolais Mule
        quick at getting up on their feet   crosses. The farm also has a
        and  to  suckle  the  important  first   dairy  unit  of  100  Holsteins  plus
        colostrum.  Using  the  Suffolk  suits   replacements as well as 250 turkeys
        our system perfectly as the lambs   which are targeted at the Christmas
        grow quickly and are perfect for our   market and 30 laying hens.
        target markets as they have a daily

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