Page 3 - Yearbook 2019
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Unit 19, Ballymena Business Centre, CONTENTS

        Suffolk Sheep Society

        Fenaghy Road, Galgorm, Ballymena
        Co. Antrim, BT42 1FL.       4   Advertisers index                   34   Ram sales
        Tel (within UK): 028 2563 2342
        Tel (overseas): +44 (0) 28 2563 2342    5   Council chairmen
                                    6   Office team
 the national terminal sire evaluation  Website:  7   Branch chairmen and secretaries
        Accounts &
        Administration              8   Club chairmen and secretaries
                                    10   President’s report
        Anna McCullough
        Tel: 028 2563 2342          12   CEO report
        Email:  14   Sensory tasting
 A new analysis for terminal sire breeds from Signet Breeding Services  Margo Graham   Descriptive sensory testing of three
        Tel: 028 2563 2342              breeds of lamb.                     52   Sire of the Year
 Multi-breed analysis, with over 1 million animal records  Email:     54   National Flock Competition
 – Over 10,000 CT scans included in the analysis   Katie Allen              56   Female sales
        Tel: 028 2563 2342
 25 breeding values, including eight new traits  Email:
 – New weight-adjusted carcase traits  Robin McIlrath
        Tel: 028 2563 2342
 Monthly BLUP runs  Email:
 Greater commercial focus
 For more information,              16   Signet’s new breeding analysis
 contact:                               The National Terminal Sire Evaluation.
 Recording online has never   E  Yearbook produced by  18   Industry forum   72   Branch reports
                                        Royal Smithfield Club
 been better value,   T 024 7647 8829  Evegate Publishing Ltd  Red Meat Supply Chain
        Address: PO Box 229, HYTHE, CT21 4WY
                                        Industry Forum
 with reduced fees for clients   W  Tel: 01303 233883   20   Focus on exports
        Calls may be monitored or recorded
 submitting d
 submitting data online.ata online.  Web:  Suffolk sheep breeders are playing
                                        their part in events and activities being
        Jamie McGrorty                  undertaken to support the UK breeding
                                        sector in developing export trade.  88   Club reports
        Design Manager
        Jo Legg                                                             115  Obituaries
        Publisher                                                           118 Events diary
        Clive Rabson                                                        119  Celebrating milestones

        The publisher does not accept any
        responsibility for the content of
        advertisements or contributed editorial in
        this magazine. Opinions expressed editorially
        are not necessarily those of the editor or
        publisher and no responsibility is accepted   22   Shows
        for loss, damage or injury incurred as a
        result of opinions, advice or comment.
        No part of this publication may be                                  122 Recipes for all seasons
        reproduced without written permission.
                                                                            124 Suffolk Youth
                                                                            128 New breeders directory
        Cover photo:
        Limestone Aston Martin, Top Price Ram                               130 Breeders directory
        Lamb in 2018 40,000gns

                                                                                    Suffolk Sheep Society Yearbook 2019  3
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