Page 16 - Yearbook 2019
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                                                               For more information on performance recording your
                                                               Suffolk flock or applying for Welsh funding please contact
                                                               Emma Steele at
                                                                                                                              will be set to 2010 meaning figures will   For Suffolks, this will mean changes to   Suffolk flock was later transferred to
                                                                                                                              be reported back to the average animal in   the way the terminal index is presented.   Aberystwyth University creating a financial
       Signet’s new genetic analysis                                                                                          2010 which will have an EBV of 0 or an   Rather than being presented in pounds   legacy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         From Autumn 2018, eligible breeders that
                                                                                                                                                                  and pence as is currently e.g. terminal
                                                                                                                              index of 100.
                                                                                                                               The re-based figures will now mean a
                                                                                                                              scan weight EBV of +4kg means that the   index £5.73, the index will be presented   wish to performance record with Signet
                                                                                                                                                                  numerically in the same format as the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Breeding Services will be able to claim
                                                                                                                              animal is 4kg heavier at scanning than the   maternal index (see benchmark). This is   50% funding for recording costs associated
       The National Terminal Sire Evaluation                                                                                  average animal in 2010.             consistent with other breeds.        with weight recording and data analysis,
                                                                                                                               Re-basing is an inevitable part of genetic                              ultrasound scanning and CT scanning (over
        n 2019, Signet will relaunch the genetic   finish, rather than age, this will give a more   •  Spine length (thoracic, lumbar and total)  evaluations and is crucial to keep the figures  Benchmark  and above support already provided by HCC).
        evaluation service provided for terminal   commercial focus to carcase EBVs.   •  Intramuscular fat percentage (IMF%)  tangible. It also means that unknown   The new Suffolk benchmark can be seen   Breeders must have a Welsh postcode, be
      Isire breeds.                                                               Other new traits will include:              animals/flocks will not start with EBVs as   in the table, new traits are included on a   registered with the Suffolk Sheep Society,
        The new service will deliver AHDB-funded  New traits                    •  Birth weight                               drastically low as they have previously.  more detailed benchmark upon request.  and own at least 25 ewes producing pure-
       research through a multi-breed evaluation,   A new analysis gives the perfect   •  Lambing ease                                                                                                 bred lambs in the flock, although this can
       including new estimated breeding values   opportunity to introduce new traits. From   •  Litter size reared  33.3      New Indexes                         Welsh Suffolk funding                be negotiated.
       (EBVs) and a major change to existing   past and present CT images, we have been                                        Included breeds will now receive two   Welsh pedigree Suffolk sheep breeders
       traits, expressing breeding values on a more  able to calculate EBVs for:  Re-basing                                   indexes                             can now apply for a share of funding to   How can I get involved?
       commercially focused, weight-adjusted   •  CT Eye muscle area              In 2019 all EBVs and Indexes will be re-    •  Terminal sire index – optimising growth,   boost the genetics of their flocks.  2019 will prove to be the most exciting
       basis.                              •  Vertebrae number (thoracic, lumbar and   based. Currently figures are shown relative   muscle depth and CT lean weight whilst   BRIDFA was a group-breeding   in Signets history with changes enhancing
        This exciting new approach will result   total)                         to the average animal in 1990. The re-base      holding the current levels of finish  programme established in 1990 by a group   the service we can provide to performance
       in some of the biggest changes to Signet                                                                               •  Maternal index – optimising prolificacy,   of progressive Suffolk breeders to advance   recording clients. With change comes
       analyses in the last 20 years, with all   Suffolk               Bottom  Bottom  Bottom   Average  25%  10%  Top          maternal ability and early growth rate   genetic gain within their flocks. The BRIDFA  opportunity, and hence there has never
       breeding values being re-based for the first                                                                             without increasing mature size or having  flock ran successfully for many years and   been a better opportunity to get involved
       time since 1990.                     Maternal Ability EBV       -0.58  -0.39  -0.07  0.28  0.63  0.95  1.14              a detrimental effect on muscling or lamb  helped to raise the profile of performance   with the most proven method of improving
                                            Litter Size Born EBV       -0.06  -0.04  -0.01  0.02  0.05  0.08  0.10              finish.                           recording. The ownership of the BRIDFA   flock genetics.
       What does this mean for Suffolk      Eight Week Weight EBV      -1.17  -0.80  -0.18  0.52  1.22  1.84  2.21
       breeders?                            Scan Weight EBV            -2.81  -1.89  -0.36  1.34  3.04  4.57  5.49
       Updated EBVs                         Muscle Depth EBV           -1.23  -0.93  -0.43  0.12  0.67  1.17  1.47                                                      D & C Fawcett  Ltd
        The biggest change within the new   Fat Depth EBV              -0.40  -0.31  -0.16  0.01  0.18  0.33  0.42                            Drumlie House, Newbiggin, Stainton, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 0GN
                                            Lean Weight EBV
       analysis will be to move all carcase traits   Fat Weight EBV    -0.32  -0.25  -0.13  0.01  0.15  0.27  0.34
       from being age adjusted (current method)                                                                                                   Sheep Breeding Services
       to weight adjusted. This means the updated   Gigot Muscularity EBV  -1.06  -0.80  -0.37  0.11  0.59  1.02  1.28
       EBVs will be a better prediction of carcase   Mature Size EBV (Shearling Weight) -2.82  -1.98  -0.56  1.01  2.58  4.00  4.84                                Artificial Insemination
       composition (muscling/fatness) at a fixed   FEC EBV              0.10  0.08  0.04   0.00  -0.04  -0.08  -0.10                                          Embryo Recovery & Transfer
       weight. As lambs are selected for slaughter   Terminal Sire Index  24   48    89    133   178    219   243
       based on a combination of weight and   Maternal Index            50     68    98    132   165    196   214                                                      Semen Freezing
                                                                                                                                                                Semen & Embryo Storage
                                                                                                                                                                    Cervical AI Training

        See our full range of Suffolk                                                                                                   Office: 01768 890935  Fax: 01768254015

        merchandise at the Society website:                                                                                                              Ram shed: 01768 840901


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