Page 18 - Commercial Suffolks 2019
P. 18

North of England

        Mule Suffolk Cross

        – the Ideal Lamb

        Farming with her husband Brian and nephew Tom
        Turnham on 2 farms 26 miles apart, Angela Tarry-
        Smith needs sheep which are easy to manage and
        can produce good fat lambs with minimal input, and
        she believes that the North of England mule crossed
        with the Suffolk ram is the ideal sheep to do this.

        They farm 2 separate units at Kiln Farm, Northamptonshire
        farmed by Angela and Tom and Red House Farm in
        Warwickshire  farmed  by  Brian,  covering  around  800  acres   “The
        in  total  running  around  2000  ewes  and  120  suckler  cows
                                                             mule ewe
        who’s    progeny  are  finished  on  farm  as  well  as  finishing
        450 cattle bought as stores out of Cockermouth and other
        marts in the North, which are all finished on farm. The North
        backbone of the flock for a long while, with Brian remembering  and the
        of England mule served by a quality suffolk ram formed the

        attending Carlisle Botchergate sales back in the 1950’s with
        his  father  to  buy  mule  sheep  back  then.  “The  mules  have   suffolk
        changed in looks over the years but have retained that core
        ability of mothering, milkiness and prolificness for which they   tup are
        are renowned” says Brian.
                                                             the ideal
        All the sheep are tupped with the Suffolk rams at Kiln Farm,
        many of which are bought up at the Kelso sale. They settled
        on the Suffolk tup as the cross provides big framed lambs   combina-
        which get to good weights quickly. Lambing commences at
        the end of February into  April and all threes are left on as the
        through the live weight system, mainly through Rugby, with  tion”
        mules are excellent mothers and milk well. Wethers are sold

        16  Commercial SUFFOLKS – AUTUMN 2019
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