Firstly thank you to everyone who filled in our questionnaire over the Christmas break, we have gathered a lot of good information from this and also some info that might help us look into new sites in the future.

The service we provide seems to be well thought of and a benefit to the industry all being said. Unfortunately being the only CT in the county doing this work we can only be in one site at a time. Numbers booking in dictate sessions going ahead but we understand from the comments maybe more work needs to be done on communication from us, Signet and breed societies on the benefits of not just CT but recording in general.

Dates for 2023 CT scanning sessions –

17-21 April 23 – Edinburgh

27-28 April 23 – Stratford

15-19 May 23 – Edinburgh

25-26 May 23 – Stratford or maybe Skipton (still investigating this site) depending on numbers/breeds and location wanted, please contact us ASAP on this if you want to scan.

14-19 Jun 23 – Edinburgh

29-30 Jun 23 – Stratford

24-28 July 23 – Edinburgh

14-18 Aug 23 – Edinburgh

23-24 Aug 23 – Aberystwyth

11-15 Sept 23 – Edinburgh

We hope to get out and about at a few shows in 2023 so please come and see us and hopefully we can answer any of your questions regarding the service we provide.

Subsidies from the QMS, AHDB, HCC have not been confirm as yet, once we find this out we will communicate this to all recorded breeders. Charges for the 2023 season are as follows :- scanning in Edinburgh  £85 per lamb, scanning at mobile sites £115 per lamb.

Minimum number for scanning is 5 ram lambs, maximum as of last year is AHDB- 8 ram lambs per flock , QMS- 15, HCC- 20.

As always lambs need to be off food for at least 4hrs before CT, they can have water.

40kg is the guideline for CT so please use a CT date that allows your lambs to be as close to that as possible.