Lilia Hutchinson (Howgillfoot Suffolks)
When did you purchase your first Suffolk’s?
Howgillfoot Suffolk’s was established in 2016 when I brought my first ewe lamb at the three nations sale from the Mark Priestly (Limestone flock) sired by Castleisle Knockout. The following year I showed her and won inter – breed champion at a local show. The same year I purchased a ewe of Gary Beacon (Lakeview flock) and with her ram lamb I won inter – breed champion at another local show this was sired by Rookery Rodeo. In 2018 I had the chance to purchase 22 ewes and ewe lambs off Gary Beacom (Lakeview) which are full sisters or maternal sisters to some of the best ram breed at the Lakeview flock.

How did you get into breeding pedigree Suffolk’s?
I first saw the breed when I went to the Yorkshire show and Highland show and liked them my grandad said he use to have them and showed me photos and I always wanted to have my own.
What do you like about Suffolk’s in particular?
I like the power, bone, style and their characters. They are very quiet nature and I love their long, floppy ears! I also like all the events the Suffolk sheep society do for the young people in the society. Such as the national youth championships were, I won junior reserve champion in 2019.
What do you look for in a Suffolk tup?
I look for power, style, bone, good top line, wide loin, big head, big bum and a freaky black. All this together is very hard to find!

What else is on the farm?
On the farm we run the Kirkby Redgate crossing Bluefaced Leicester, Dolphinseat pedigree swaledales and also breed over a 1,000 North of England mule ewe lambs each year. I also liked Suffolk’s because they were very different to the other breeds on the farm.
Any successes to date?
Some of my successes so far are two inter-breed champion, 4 breed champions, 2 reserve champions, second prize gimmer to the champion at the Yorkshire show. 1st year at Lanark I sold ram lambs up to 5,000gns and first year at Shrewsbury first ram lamb into the ring sold for 2,800gns.

What are your other hobby’s?
My other hobbies are hockey, horse riding and walking with my dog.
What has been your highlight so far?
One of the many highlights was being asked to sell at the three nations sale in 2020 having attended this with my family for the last 5 years. I always dreamed of selling at this sale. I was first into the ring and average just over £2,000. I was really pleased.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
I see myself working on the family farm breeding top pedigree Suffolk’s and I would love to win the Yorkshire and Highland shows.