Shearling Ewe by Shannagh Knockout takes Supreme Champion

Date: 8th June 2019
Judge: Campbell Watson, Bannview Flock
A big thankyou to all our breeders, the turnout was excellent and the quality of sheep was a credit to
the South of Ireland Branch of the Suffolk Sheep Society.
Supreme Champion
Arthur O’Keeffe (Shearling Ewe)
R15:18:05795 by Shannagh Knockout
Reserve Champion
Susan O’Keeffe (Ram Lamb)
BYD:19:02137 by Strathbogie A Kind Of Magic
Male Champion
Susan O’Keeffe (ram lamb)
BYD:19:02137 by Strathbogie A Kind Of Magic
Male Reserve Champion
Philip Lynch (Shearling Ram & Upwards)
Female Champion
Arthur O’Keeffe (Shearling Ewe)
R15:18:05795 by Shannagh Knockout
Reserve Female Champion
Susan O’Keeffe (Ewe Lamb Trimmed)
BYD:19:02105 by Strathbogie A Kind Of Magic
Class 1 Shearling Ram & Upwards
1st Philip Lynch
2nd Coote Geelan
3rd Coote Geelan
Class 2 Aged Ewe & Upwards
1st Arthur O’Keeffe
R15:16:05310 by Rookery Classic
2nd Philip Lynch
3rd Patrick O’Keeffe
NBK:17:05610 by Clyda Dream Catcher
Class 3 Shearling Ewe
1st Arthur O’Keeffe
R15:18:05795 by Shannagh Knockout
2nd Susan O’Keeffe
BYD:18:02369 by Forkins Black and White
3rd Philip Lynch
Class 4 Novice Ram Lamb
1st Richard Thompson
TDL:19:02649 by Limepark Las Vegas
2nd Colin Watchorn
PXL:19:00474 by Rookery Rodeo
3rd Colin Watchorn
PXL:19:00477 by Mountford Classic
Class 5 Open Ram Lamb Class
1st Susan O’Keeffe
BYD:19:02137 by Strathbogie A Kind Of Magic
2nd Arthur O’Keeffe
R15:19:05248 by Strathbogie A Kind Of Magic
3rd Richard Thompson
Class 6 Novice Ewe Lamb
1st Ronan McLaughlin
2nd John & Esther Gahan
3rd Kenneth Bailey
Class 7 Ewe Lamb (Trimmed)
1st Susan O’Keeffe
BYD:19:02105 by Strathbogie A Kind Of Magic
2nd Arthur O’Keeffe
R15:19:05234 by Kinally Black Panther
3rd Gerry Killilea
Class 8 Ewe Lamb (Untrimmed)
1st Arthur O’Keeffe
R15:19:05256 by Burnview One For Arthur
2nd Arthur O’Keeffe
R15:19:05203 by Strathbogie A Kind Of Magic
3rd John & Esther Gahan
Judge Campbell Watson First Place Novice Ewe Lamb from Ronan McLaughlin Male Reserve Champion Shearling Ram and Upwards from Philip Lynch Reserve Supreme Champion and Male Champion from Susan O’Keeffe Supreme Champion from Arthur O’Keeffe pictured with CEO Robin McIlrath